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Hope across the Wall: The Organisations Assisting Migrants along the US-Mexico Border

    Along the southern border of the United States, thousands of migrants wait in camps, hoping to be granted asylum to enter the country. Families, young people, and unaccompanied children crowd into overwhelmed shelters and spill onto the streets while they move slowly through the bureaucratic immigration system that often takes months, even years, to successfully navigate. As they make their way through the painstaking processes in pursuit of a better life in the US, many migrants find a glimmer of hope and comfort in shelters and aid organisations dotted throughout border towns.

    US Customs and Border Patrol Agents near the US-Mexico Border

    But how effective are these organisations? How do they combat systemic barriers to safety and peace posed to many migrants? And how do they advocate for human rights in an environment prone to dehumanisation?

    What do you think?

    • How do migration and peacekeeping or peacebuilding intersect with each other, locally and nationally?
    • Should peacebuilding efforts be driven by community organisations or governments?
    • How do stories from migrants and volunteers shape your views of peace along borderlines and within communities?
    • Should borderlines be places where people can find sanctuary and solidarity, or should securitisation be the main priority?
    • Given that migration is likely to continue increasing over time, what peaceful solutions can you think of to address the issue?

    If you enjoyed this item in our museum…

    Sofia LoBue, May 2024

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